September 15, 2024

OOT X-Stream

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THANKSGIVING EVE PARTY GUIDE / CHECK IT OUT/ With thousands of places to go OOT gives you the insight on GREAT LOCATIONS

Yes there are thousands of places to get out to on THANKSGIVING EVE in the region but with our THANKSGIVING EVE party GUIDE IN THE NEW OOT paper you can narrow it down to *50 to 75 great locations in the region. We ask you to get out to our * hand picked locations, these are the top spots to check out and have some fun on THANKSGIVING EVE. These locations have the best DJ’s and or live bands in the region along with prices that will save you money.
SEE it all = now up ONLINE! and or

* ON THANKSGIVING EVE – DON’t DRINK and DRIVE Make sure you have a designated driver.
Enjoy the Holidays and don’t spoil it by doing a dumb thing like driving after a night of having a few drinks with your friends.
We want you to be cool, be safe and like always…KEEP ROCKIN’

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