Monday Night Football Tonight / Where to get the best deals at area SPORTS BARS?
QUICK GUIDE: ON AREA BARS with prices see: THE BUD SPECIALS in the OOT – SEE THE COORS LIGHT SPECIALS in the OOT – SEE THE MILLER LITE PAGE SPECIALS in the OOT -SEE THE LIST OF YUENGLING BEER SPECIALS & locations in OOT ….At Out On The Town we want to make sure you can get to the best places and save money by knowing what the prices are way ahead of time. You can get out and > (A)save money and > (B)have the fun you’re looking for. Plain and simple. Where the best deals are on food items…CHECK out the many locations offering all kinds of “FREE” stuff! There are deals out there…but ya’ gotta look for em’.
Going out later tonight to see the game? Then get out to the bars that offer the most and can give you more bang for your buck……You can find the best places to watch Mon. Night Football by going to the Out On The Town…see it all online at: and click on the PDF FILE of the latest OOT paper….We offer the best places to watch all the NFL games each week. YOU can now see the OOT on your I-phone…or you can check each issue out on your laptop and or desktop…ONLINE 24/7 giving you the best local entertainment info you need. There is only ONE OUT ON THE TOWN ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE! We keep you in the know with reviews, interviews, about the People and places and the prices with some of the best bars and clubs and restaurants…in the region…Yes there are thousands of websites on entertainment and many other so called Entertainment papers…but when you are looking for the real deal in local Entertainement News…THE OOT paper is the real deal…You get only the “BEST” local “ENT” news – heck that is why you are here…and we “THANK YOU” for doing just that…PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD…OOT has what you are looking for in the kind of local entertainment news you want. Local Bars, and Clubs, Restaurants, & CASINO NEWS along with Top area Sports Bars, Hot new up and coming *bands both *( Cover scene and the Original Scene ) and DJ’s,Trivia Nights, Quizzo Nights, Karaoke Nights, Dart Leagues, Pool Leagues, Special Promotions by all the Beer Companies, special local radio station promotions and even the Hot Concerts coming to our area…Entertainment that is real…is what you will find with each *OOT! (* this is the only Entertainers’ Entertainment paper on the East coast made by Local Entertainers with you in mind.)